A MAC Chromat Collection makeup Tutorial With royal Blue cat Eyeliner, Deep Orange Lids and bright Aqua Lips
The future is meow!
Hmm… What does one do, and where does one go, while wearing shimmery royal blue cat eyes, teal brows and aqua blue lips?
Perhaps waaaaaaay far into the future behind the wheel of a time-traveling DeLorean? To a time in a fantastical future when bad-@ss babes run the show wearing makeup by MAC and clothing by Chromat?
Gigawatts of girl power course through the MAC Chromat collection, which electrifies domestic MAC counters and the MAC web site starting June 29th (and internationally this July), and it got me fired up to turn this look into a tutorial.
The eight-piece MAC Chromat collection clockwise from the upper left: MAC Eye shadow X 6 /#Chromatbabe incredibly pack ($32), Matte Lipstick in Augmented reality ($17), Amplified Lipstick in #Shockvalue ($17), 263 small Angle brush ($20), Technakohl liner in Bionic Bae ($17), glitter in reflects Turquatic ($22), pro Longwear Fluidline in Aeros Blue ($17) and Zoom Lash in Metropolis Blue ($18)
The MAC Chromat collection: Overview
Blue and gray supercharge the eight-piece limited edition release, while pops of orange and red crackle, and the collection comes complete with bionic-seeming blue LE packaging that looks like something straight out of Tron!
I’m feelin’ the eyeshadow palette, the lipsticks and the tiny angled brush, which is a re-promote from the MAC permanent line. the blue mascara, blue gel liner and blue pencil liner, however, aren’t quite as electrifying IMO. I don’t dislike them… I think they’re fine. The only thing is, they require lots of layering to get them to really show up on me. major patience.
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Designer Becca McCharen of Chromat
The collection is a collab with designer Becca McCharen of Chromat and partners the line with MAC and the CFDA/Vogue fashion Fund — the Council of fashion designers of America, which is a non-profit that hosts a yearly contest for new and up-and-coming designers that awards funding and supplies opportunities for service mentoring. Becca was one of 2015’s CFDA finalists.
Feminine power and athleticism characterize Chromat’s clothing to me, and the clean lines in their swimwear and lingerie inspired me today, so that’s what I went for in this look. I did shimmery royal blue cat eye, which I then accented with orange and teal lids and a bold, bright aqua blue pout.
Oh, and teal glitter brows! Because, as you know, in the future, everyone wears glittery brows… OBVS.
A makeup tutorial with royal blue cat eyeliner, deep orange lids and bright aqua lips
First, ‘ze eyes!
I like to do the eyes first, because with glitter and blue eyeshadow, chances are you’ll end up with fallout on your face, so I suggest doing your eyes first, then cleaning up any stray flecks with a makeup wipe before following up with your face makeup.
1. Pop a pair of false lashes on your peepers
Start by applying a pair of false lashes.
Now, I know that lots of YouTube makeup tutorials save this step for last, but I like to do it first, because the lashes help me figure out how high up I can take my crease color, and how far out I can take my cat eye flick.
House of Lashes falsies in Iconic
2. build your blue cat eyes
Begin building your cat eyes by mapping out the shape with a blue gel eyeliner, and don’t worry for a second if it doesn’t look purr-fect! — because you’re going to layer shimmery blue eyeshadow on it anyway.
I took my line from the inner corner all the way out to the outer corner on my upper lash line, and then just from the mid-point out to the outer corner on my lower lash line.
Bright metallic blue MAC Chromat pro Longwear Fluidline in Aeros Blue ($17) topped with the Veluxe Pearl Eye shadow in Blue Black from the Eye shadow X 6/#Chromatbabe incredibly pack palette ($32). I used the 263 small Angle brush ($20) to apply both.
After you’ve built out the general shape, intensify the blue by loading an angled brush with a shimmery blue shadow, spraying it with makeup setting spray, and layering the wet shadow directly on top of the blue gel liner.
I like to do the liner before the eyeshadow because, again, it lets me tell how far into the inner corner, and how far out to the outer corner, to take my crease and lid colors.
3. Carve out the crease with orange eyeshadow
Next, carve out your crease with a satiny orange eyeshadow, and then blend out the edges.
MAC Satin Eyeshadow in Sabina Sangre, a deep orange with golden pearl from the Eye shadow X 6/#Chromatbabe incredibly pack palette ($32)
4. Lay down a few layers of teal-blue duochrome shadow on your lid
Complete the eyeshadow by dipping a flat brush into a bluish green duochrome and applying a couple layers on your lids. Next, blend out the edges. Then, wet that same flat brush with a makeup setting spray, load it with a lotViac Bluish Green Shadow a zabaliť mokrý tieň na spodnej časti viečkami, aby ste vytvorili jemný gradient.
Velxe Pearl Eye Shadow v Duabandita, hnedý s Bluesth Green Pearl z očného tieňa X 6 / # Chromatbabe Neuveriteľne Pack Palette ($ 32)
5. Utiahnite horné a dolné vodné linky s hlbokou námorníckou vložkou
Som si celkom istý, že už viete, ako to urobiť, ale tu je niečo, čo to robí oveľa jednoduchšie pre mňa: Spustite bod svojej ceruzky cez zadnú stranu ruky niekoľkokrát najprv zjemniť a zahriať to pred vami vodné vedenia.
TechNAKOHL Liner v Bionic Bae, hlboké kovové námorníctvo ($ 17)
6. Vyplňte svoje obočie s Teal Glitter
Kefa lepenie lepidla do obočia, potom balenie toľko (alebo ako málo) Teal Glitter na vašom obočí, ako chcete.
Glitter In Reflects Turquatic ($ 22)
7. Vyplňte svoje oči povlakom vašich dolných rias s modrou maskarou
A naozaj vstávajú do tých koreňov!
Zoom Lash v metropole, kráľovská modrá ($ 18)
8. Dokončovanie zvyšku vzhľadu
Vyčistite všetky túlavé škvrny, ktoré skončili na vašich tváre alebo inde s make-up utrite, potom si svoj základ, korektor a prášok. Potom budete chcieť urobiť svoju rúžu pred tvojím bronzerom – opäť, aby ste lepšie meradlo, koľko farieb dať na tvárne – tak aplikujte svoj modrý rúž, potom zamedzte si bronzer na tvoje tváre (preskočím červenať tentoraz Pretože si myslím, že je to trochu OTT spolu s očami a pery).
Konečný vzhľad
Konečný vzhľad je trochu vonku a blázon, viem, ale nemusí to byť tam pre teba, ak je to niečo, čo by ste zvyčajne nosili na utorok, lol! Ak je to pre teba trochu príliš veľa, stačí ho zmeniť. Môžete preskočiť glitter obočie, napríklad a vymeniť modrú peru na červenú, aby ste vytvorili niečo tučné, ale stále absolútne nositeľné.
Matte rúž v rozšírenej realite, cukrík červená ($ 17)
Alebo, pre každodenný Edgy, udržať modrý pery, ale preskočte obočie.
Amplifikovaný rúž v #shockwave, jasná aqua modrá ($ 17)
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